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Oral Cancer Signs

Oral cancer can present itself through various symptoms, and early detection is crucial for effective treatment.

According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 53,260 people will get oral cancer in 2020 and 10,750 people will die from these cancers. Oral cancer has a high survival rate when caught early, which is why Dental Associates dentists pledge to monitor our patients for signs of oral cancer at each routine exam.

7 - Professional Dental

At Professional Dental, we prioritize your health with comprehensive oral cancer exams during each routine dental checkup. As part of our commitment to your well-being, we conduct thorough soft tissue examinations to identify any signs of oral cancer. During these exams, we assess for lumps or abnormalities that may indicate a more serious condition.

If you are at higher risk for oral cancer—such as individuals with a family history of the disease, smokers, or those who chew tobacco—it’s crucial to perform self-exams between your routine visits. Here’s how to conduct a self-exam: use a flashlight to inspect your mouth for any of the following symptoms, and feel around your jawbone and neck for any unusual lumps. If you notice anything concerning, promptly schedule an appointment with your dentist for further evaluation.

Being aware of the signs of oral cancer is essential for early detection. Look out for these symptoms:

  • White or gray patches under and around the tongue
  • White or gray patches on the inside of the cheeks and near the throat
  • Growths on the lips, gums, and roof of the mouth
  • Lumps around the jawbone and neck area

Recently, during a routine examination, I detected early signs of oral cancer in a patient who was subsequently diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Fortunately, because we caught it early, I referred them to our oral surgeon for treatment, and the patient made a full recovery. This case underscores the importance of regular examinations to identify signs and symptoms of oral cancer, which can ultimately save lives.

It is also vital to share your family medical history with your dentist, as individuals with a family history of oral cancers are at an increased risk. Additionally, tobacco users—whether through smoking or chewing—face a higher likelihood of developing oral cancer.

By attending regular dental exams and performing self-checks between appointments, you can significantly enhance your safety and increase the chances of detecting oral cancer at an early stage. If it’s been a while since your last dental exam, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced team at Professional Dental in Utah.

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